
Quality education expands into personal involvement and interaction. A wide range of social activities completes the full and busy life at S.A.A. including trips to the river cabin for relaxation plus wiener and marshmallow roasts; to the large family patio for student and staff barbecues; and sometimes curriculum based trips to historical points of interest or Fine Arts performance.
Many of the School activities are organized and managed by the girls themselves, together with staff advisors. These activities include the year book, in-school dances, canteen, Advent and Christmas festivities, spirit days, and tournaments; student clubs such as Pro-Life, Amnesty International, Drama and SADD (Students Against Drinking and Driving) Students are involved in fund-raising ventures for SRC and school needs. An active SRC encourages and develops student leadership.
Just as academic success is fostered and applauded, the art of being good leaders and followers, innovators and co-operators is also recognized. This dimension of the school helps to achieve the movement from the classroom toward service and concern for others.

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